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I can't be the only person who loves the process of getting ready to go out more than actually going out, can I?  There's just something about settling down and taking time to focus on yourself, really taking the time to unwind, and let's face it -- the people you get ready with are the people you really want to hang out with anyway.

They say I'm an enabler -- I'll push for everyone to order dessert, I'll actively peer pressure people into staying for one last drink, round up the troops for an impromptu trip, and force new lip colours on people.

The comment I often receive in response to "Try this new violet lip pencil I got!" is "Oh no, it'll get everywhere, I can't be bothered."

Yes, you can be.

I will bother you.

Watch my video.

Since my attention span gets shorter and shorter each day, here's the tl;dr version for those of you who didn't make it through the 90-second video:

1) Exfoliate your lips with lip balm and a Q-tip (i.e., forget buying lip scrubs/exfoliants).  Let the lip balm soak in while you finish the rest of your makeup

2) Line and fill in your lips with a nude liner -- this will give your lipstick something to grip and help the true colour come through

3) I apply lip colour in three stages; first I stain it on with my finger to really work in the colour, then I clean up the edges with an angle brush.  For full-on saturated lip pigment, I'll apply the colour directly from the bullet.

4) Blot the colour off with a the cheapest brand of facial tissue available to you.  Higher-quality tissues then to have lotion or other softening agents in them, and they'll have a hard time absorbing the oil from your lipstick.  Remember, oil is the sworn enemy of all lip products.

5) Seal your lips with a translucent powder so your lipstick stays put.  I also love an ultra-matte lip, and this helps tone down the shine of most lipsticks.  If you're looking to keep the shine, skip this step!

 I need to get back into lip colours, I've been eschewing lipstick for absolutely nothing lately. There's no excuse, I'm just lazy. Filming this video has brought the lip colour obsession back 10000000% though

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