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Fancy Pants Conor McGregor hobbles into restaurant as a cripple and with fat fiance

      Clark Kramer

   Fancy pants is best to describe the corporatist  and violent thug who presents a image of fine drink and dining when out despite being a tattoo dragon freak fighter that he is suppose to be Conner McGregor has been labeled a low intelligent violent scum bug from this blog after he sucker punched some old man in a Irish tavern that didn't want his nasty toxic harmful vodka whisky drink and declined it several times . Conner Mgregscum may not have thought th perhaps the old man has ailing internal organs and can;t handle such a drink into his body as McGregor likely doesn't think and the jsut punishment and broke  his left tibia and fibula in a fight with Dustin Portiers last month and the

just reward and body disfigurement without a doubt we believe is Gods punishment for his action and greed. Coner was seen being the fancy pants corporatist multi-billionaire sellout of a sick soul

walking ..mark that hobbling into a plush Hollywood eatery and one must wonder seeing all of these sports athletes sell out and where such fancy outfits if the wearing of expensive suits is a condition of their contracts and whether Conner had to wear expensive suits as the globalist management hedge funds set up this leprechaun clown to be some supposed owner of a toxic hard liquor enterprise. Joe Rogan counseling Mr Conner obviously did nothing for the man s legs and the idea that McGregor will enter the ring is delusional crazy talk almost as crazy as this 'sport".  McGregor and his fancy suits sicks, and shoes is a joke looks like a clown and this man should be the anti-thesis of this image and he not being is a disgrace as he kisses the corporate suits that reward him for chicken cage fighting that has no lead him to hobble like a crippled monkey fallen from the sky in the land of oz

Conner McGregor getting millions  brutalize and in this last fight be brutalized such millions as billions of people live on poverty around the world is the devils work and I imagine this man is not going to walk again yet alone get into the ring as the talk of McGregor fighting a fourth match with Dustin Poirer is complete horseshit.

Conner McGregor has lived a thuggish lifestyle and deserves to spend the later half of his life on crutches or a wheel chair given the proclivity of this man to violence and making millions form 7th century barbarism that would make the most elite Romans impressed. Coner McGregor is no viking but a large leprechaun who has been given a pot of money for essentially doing little in life and nothing more outstanding than men do on a daily  basis in San Quinton and other state and federal prisons and do it for free.

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