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Thomas Hartmann's crash of 2016

Bradly Handly
    Perhaps no more of a brave spokesperson for the hallowing out of the middle class is there than Thomas Hartman. Through his radio show and YouTube channels this great speaker has been rallying against the interests of big money and their powerful influence to undermine democracy. In his new oak he states how these evil forces will once again ring down this country's economy into another crash which he feels will occur about 2016.  The forces in power have made life difficult for the masses and globalization is the number one health risk facing humanity. Rampant industrial abuses is chronicled as many areas have become environmental scarified zones destroyed for mass corporate profit.
Hartman goes through the various crashes in American history and how the rich prop everything up in a bubble to crash so they can get more on the cheap when everything clears. Royalist technocrats have seen to it that their losses are made up from the lower classes and a stranglehold of their living arrangement and social services. We have a government not for the people but for the plutocracy and the protection for their wealth over the benefit of the majority of the population. Hartmann predicts another economic crash by 2016 by the same forces fight and  and the false belief that if they are left alone to make decisions private industry can trickle down measly little peon jobs while the reap the benefits of the economy and a state that protects their global interests. Hartmann goes through a good recall to why crashes are  often witnessed in Americas fraudulent financial system and he goes through the numerous panics and crashes and how the creditors and banks use government to bankroll their gambles. They transformed the entire American economy from one of manufacturing real stuff for export into to one where finance dominates and they control the money flow and due ions on which projects to go ahead and construct using that power to maintain economic leverage on the country for their wishes and desires as they see fit. Thomas Hartmann goes on to declare how all this wouldn't be possible without globalism and the breaking down of economic borders to exploit those at the bottom in far away places. Hartmann is a oat of a great radio show and cable show where he often talks about how the wealthier get wealthier at the expense of everyone's drop in incomes and stagnated wages. Hartmann and others are hoping for a crash against the billionaire corporate class hose greed have replaces democratic institutions, but as we have seen they recover from all crashes and only a total political revolution on the scales of a Franklin Roosevelt will roll back the tax cuts they abuse to manipulate the political world.

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