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Why It's Important To Take A Break

When you're lacking in inspiration about blogging, sometimes the only solution is to take a little break.

Recently I've been very busy with schoolwork - last week was my last bout of mocks, eek! - and therefore I had to put that as my priority. It's important to remember that it is healthy to take a break from time to time, so that is what I did. I took a week off blogging and I'm very glad I did. It's allowed me to view my blog and blogging from a different perspective and remind myself why I do it.

Lately I've been struggling with a lack of motivation for my blog and the hardest part about it is I am not entirely sure why. Taking time out of blogging has helped me to figure out my lack of inspiration for it and think about why I enjoy it so much.

I have actually attempted several times to write up a post to go up last week, but they just didn't feel right and instead nothing went up at all. I wanted to make sure I was posting things I'm fully happy with, and not churn out posts to fit a schedule.

I've also taken a break on my Instagram. I'm sure I'll return to this soon, but the reason I haven't posted lately is because I really struggle to fit to themes. I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to Instagram and I can't help but constantly think my photos look like a low quality mess! All the photos have to match perfectly to me or else it really stresses me out, although I will work on this because I know a main part of blog promotion is based on Instagram.

This situation obviously has made me more nervous for blogging alongside GCSE's - the plan currently is to write up a bunch of posts in the Easter holidays and post them once a week during the GCSE season. I won't be as active as usual, as to be expected, but I don't want to abandon my blog completely so I'll definitely be scheduling some posts.

I have learnt it is okay to allow yourself a break from blogging every so often. It's important when you're feeling down to remind yourself why you enjoy it so much and keep that passion for it going!

Do you take breaks from blogging from time to time? I would love to hear your opinions in the comments!

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