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Harry Overly doesn't realize it that raisins are toast but is willing to spend massively on advertising on fake goals and growth

Armando Arturo
  CEO Harry Overly has a problem and the problem is people are not eating raisins nor purchasing these boring products form Sun_Maid today. However, the new arrogant jackass thinks by putting more money into the advertising industrial complex and adding more sugar and sour to raisins kids and adults will flock to his new flavors and raisin offering in Sun-maids traditional small red box that they charge some three buck for five mouthful chews of bad over-dried grapes. This silly goose things by adding artificial flavor and watermelon and strawberry flavor to raisins and essentially turning them into skittles that somehow that is a good thing and they are still raisins.
 The national media and other sin advertising have been demanding that Sun-Maid use its budget to spend on the network monopoly. Overly is abiding by this demand and talking crazy about a hundred million dollars of growth in the coming years and upping the spending on grocery store shelving for a product few people are buying for themselves or anyone older than six years of age. No amount of change to Sun-Maid's culture or big stretchy smiles will change the fact that consumers are unwilling to spend so much for a product that doesn't taste great or fill them up. This news highlights how advertisers have their way and once they install a new puppet like this CEO who diverts money form company to pay for commercials it is all more wasteful speeding and  agame leading to the downfall of many companies. In this case though, if Sun-Maid does go bankrupt and disappear not many people will care or notice. 

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