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Diamond Mythbuster: Everything You Need To Know About A Diamond Is On The Certificate

Time for more diamond mythbusters!  Today's myth:  Everything you need to know about a diamond is on the certificate.

Here's the reality:

  • You can't buy a diamond by a certificate alone.  An apt comparison would be choosing your future spouse by his or her driver's license!

  • There are many factors not reflected on a certificate, like tinge of color or the life and brilliance in a diamond.  Two diamonds may have a clarity grade of SI 1 but that doesn't tell you the whole story. One diamond may have a black mark in the center while the other has two feather marks off to the side.  A certificate doesn't tell you everything.

  • Two diamonds may look the same on paper but when you look at the two diamonds together, one my make you say, "gorgeous: while the other makes you scream, "Oh no!"  A certificate can't tell you how beautiful a diamond is.  And that is what you want - beautiful diamond.

So, what should you do?  You have to look at the diamond.  Choose the diamond that looks the most beautiful to you.  It's as simple as that!

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