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The Edit: What Would Hermione Wear?

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger
For this week's edition of The Edit, we've picked out some indie goodness for the brave and brilliant Ms. Hermione Granger, the brains of the Harry Potter trio. Hermione was a role model for so many girls as she grew up in J.K. Rowling's magical world and we wanted to showcase some of the things that we think she would have loved.

Jeannie's pick:

Kiss My Sass Emma lipstick
I originally wanted to find a pink to match Hermione's Yule Ball Dress, but much to my dismay, most of my pinks were too warm-toned. As I was about to give up my search, I stumbled upon a lipstick sample from Kiss My Sass called "Emma". It suddenly dawned on me that Hermione is played by Emma Watson! Emma is described as a "light pink/coral" with a satin finish. It's neutral enough for everyday wear, and definitely a shade I think both Hermione and Emma Watson could rock! Since the lipstick is not very shiny/shimmery, I was worried that it might be a bit drying. I did need a few layers to build up opacity, but it was comfortable to wear.

Valentine's pick:
The perfume I immediately thought of when we came up with this theme was Arcana Bluestocking. "Bluestocking" being an old term for a female intellectual, and traditionally a derogatory term, but a label I actually think Hermione would, or should, own with pride. Its description reads as follows:

"I have met with women whom I really think would like to be married to a poem, and to be given away by a novel." --John Keats

Lavender, warm milk, rich vanilla, white heather, yuzu, petit grain, and a smattering of sunflowers.

AG's pick: Hermione and I have had very similar hair journeys. When my overabundance of hair suddenly turned curly midway through my adolescence, I was absolutely baffled as to how to take care of it. Like Hermione, I faced a fluffy, frizzy, undefined pile of hair on top of my head every morning. I read the Harry Potter books while going through this frustrating time, and I remember identifying closely with Hermione's hair troubles. When all people notice is your hair, it makes you start to wonder if they're missing out on your intelligence, kindness, and other positive traits. Since she's a brilliant, strong, and well-rounded character, I hated to think Hermione might be harboring the same self-doubt.

Eventually, with the magic of the internet, I started learning just how important moisture was to my curls. I tapered back the frequency of my shampooing and started experimenting with super hydrating leave-ins. Haus of Gloi's hair oil is one of the easiest and most cost-effective products I've found, and it's been a core part of my routine for nearly a year. I wish I could reach into the Harry Potter books and give a bottle of this to Hermione, just as I wish someone had shared one with me at her age. And since it's cruelty free and vegan, I'd like to think this compassionate house elf advocate would approve.

Jessye's pick:
This was an easy choice for me. In Half-Blood Prince, she states that the love potion Amortentia smells like fresh cut grass, new parchment and spearmint toothpaste. What could be better than Solstice Scent's Library perfume? "Leather Bound Books, A Carved Rosewood Mantle, Dying Fireplace Embers, Wood Wainscoting, Cedar Shelving, and Aged Paper." To me, it smells like cracked leather fading into sandalwood, which is a lot of what love smells like to me. It's a great gender neutral smell for Hermione smell like everything she loves and still be the consummate Ministry professional she becomes.

Lisa's pick:
When your schedule is so full that you're using magical contraband to squeeze in extra classes into your day, I imagine Hermione probably doesn't have a lot of free time to pamper herself. Hermione is not the sort of girl to get squeamish over getting her hands dirty either. Whether she's writing out a long assignment by quill or digging up a squealing Mandrake, the hands of a wizard take quite a beating.

I think that Hermione would greatly appreciate the Silk Naturals cuticle oil. It's chock-full of basic, moisturizing oils and in a compact little tube. It also sinks in quickly and leaves cuticles looking softer and smoother quickly. The package from Silk Naturals has since changed since I got my tube, but the doe-foot applicator makes it even more accurate to apply compared to a rollerball top, and I think Hermione would appreciate that since it reduces wasted product. You can see from my photo that my own tube has taken quite a beating, so imagine how many times it has helped out roughed-up hands! While I'm not personally getting my hands grubby with wizarding world hazards, I know it's really easy to forget to take care of your hands, so this is a perfect way for anyone to do a little bit of pampering on the go.

Kristin's pick:

GRYFFINDORRRRRR!! As a strong supporter of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I'm sure Hermione would have loved sporting eyeshadow in her house colors - at least during broom-gating events. But for someone as practical as Hermione is, a red eyeshadow and a gold eyeshadow separately? Nah, she'd have one that did both. Femme Fatale's Flare is a great pick for her. It's a bold red - because Gryffindor's are brave enough to wear the boldest shades! - with a strong golden highlight.

Let us know if you have any ideas or requests for future installments of The Edit!

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