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Share Chores and Multiply Love ..

When the whole family is with you , the tough situation also feels easier to handle. The outside trauma is on the top right now. The world is under a deadly virus and the pandemic situation is becoming heavy on our mental health. Within this 3-4 months, so much happened in our country specially and god only knows what is going to happen in the coming months. Well, when the country was under lockdown and everyone were inside the house , the only person whose workload got doubled was the woman in the house, isn't it ? Preparing food, cleaning utensils, cleaning house, making the kids study and play ,etc. and the list will go on and on. But what if the whole family join hands together and divide the works ,the work pressure will also reduce and everyone will become happy. So here i will say my story and experience with #ShareTheLoad where we stay in a nuclear family.

Share Chores and Multiply Love ..
Share Chores and Multiply Love .. 

Just before the lockdown my younger son who was only 1 year old was admitted in hospital because of Diarrhea and just the day before first lockdown  we got discharged from hospital . While the lockdown thing was so new for us , I had to take care of an ill baby and along with that my husband and the elder son all alone. I was so much tensed on how to manage everything single-handed . There was no maid ,no house helps , nothing. And i had to maintain the clean and hygiene of my house to avoid any kind of infections further.  At that time my husband assured me that not to take stress more and we can divide the work between us . This gave me a bit of relaxation. Since then we are sharing our load together. He helped me in cooking, washing dishes, feeding my kids ,cleaning house,etc.

 In baby houses, cleaning cloths is another level of stress . In doing laundry also my husband helped me a lot. He feels like doing laundry is the easiest task to start the work and of course when you have a washing machine and the best Ariel Matic liquid detergent with you . #ShareTheLaundry 

Share Chores and Multiply Love ..
Share Chores and Multiply Love .. 

My elder son also helped me a lot in cooking and arranging stuffs . He also managed his little brother while i was doing some work . My husband also made my kids sleep and helped to to spend some ME time . Sometimes we cooked together the special dishes to surprise our kids. The best part is, he never complained about the fact that he is also doing this much household chores. We shared the load together and our lockdown experience was so much happier . Now as lockdown is partially over and he has started going to his work like before and he isn't getting much time to help me . But after coming back from office he never forget to help me in preparing dinner or cleaning the house which is again much appreciated. 

Everyone should understand that household chores are not only meant for the woman in the house but when we do things together the relationship and bond between us becomes more stronger . #ShareChoresMultiplyLove . Hence sharing the load is not a taboo at all where as we should enjoy working things together. 

 ‘I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda

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