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Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser

Hello my beauties I hope you are all well :) :) 
I know im very late with this post as this little beauty is out a while now but to be honest I totally took this product for granted again and basically forgot to blog about it until this morning as I was using it on my normal quick shower quickly getting dressed routine and thought to myself "Gosh I love this product" Then it dawned on me that I have never shared this with you all 
We have our lazy days and we also have our days where we are so busy we tend to neglect the important things like protecting our skin when getting ready or feeding our skin moisture when running out the door.  I have my favourite moisturisers for when I jump out of the shower on a non busy day and I also have my favourites for prepping my skin for Tanning.  I now have a favourite for those busy and lazy days anything quick and that works for me marks my top of the list anyday 

I am a massive fan of Nivea for a long time now as you will see on my blog that I have reviewed alot of their products especially facial products.  I love how gentle their products are to the skin and their scent is amazing.  
Nivea In Shower Body Moisturiser Has just won many awards including An Award on the Irish Tatler Magazine Beauty Awards 2014/2015
Nivea Claim:  Discover this easy way to moisturse: This Body Moisturiser is designed to be used in the shower straight after your  normal cleanser. The wet skin quickly absorbs the soothing formula with sea minerals.
Result: A silky, soft skin feeling when stepping out of the shower
I tend to reach for this on my lazy days and on my in the hurry days when I just have time for a quick shower and run and I do suffer with dry skin especially on my legs and arms.  I literally wash myself like normal Apply this all over my body and rinse off.  I then dab my skin dry and feel beautifully moisturiser and smelling yummy.  My skin feels like silk and very very smooth I love it.  The scent lingers all day long and throughout the day I still feel like my skin is moisturised.  
I also find I reach for this when I all of a sudden need to prep my skin for tanning.  Those days where you get an invite to go somewhere and you are thinking "Oh no I havent prepped my skin for tanning"  You know the deal with prepping your skin you have to ex foliated and moisturise but also have no moisturiser and also nothing on your skin before you tan.  Well I just hate having showers and not moisturising after as my legs are very flaky so I use this as I have to rinse off anyway so it gives me that moisturised feeling just before tanning.  Does it interfere or mess up my tan ??? Not one bit :) I love it :) :) 

It does feel a little oily when you apply this in the shower but once you rinse it off all you feel is smoothness and softness and relief after your nice hot shower.  I have went through 3 bottles of this beauty so far and still love it.  I even use this on my children and they love smelling it on their skin.  There are 2 different types you can get of this In Shower Body Moisturiser one for normal skin (which is in a white bottle) and this one for dry skin.  The price range is about €4 euro for a 250ml bottle which is an amazing price :) :) 
If you have super super dry skin you might want to add a little extra of your own moisturiser to your skin after using this as you might find it will not be moisturising enough throughout the day but for everyone else this will be right up your street especially for those who want a simple life haha

In all as you can guess I love this product and it has become part of my busy and lazy shower days routine.  It has also become part of my children's shower routine too as they always ask for some of mammy's blue bottle cream ( as they call it)  I highly recommend this to you all.  Have you tried this yet?  What's your thoughts on it :) 
You can purchase this in any supermarket who sells it and any pharmacy also available in Boots :) :) 
I really hope you enjoyed this review and until next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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