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Mindy Kaling/ Kelly Kapoor

Mindy Kaling/ Kelly Kapoor

Kelly Kapoor was played on the Office by Mindy Kaling. She was very funny in the role. The character was meant to be a bit annoying and arrogant. She was very sarcastic and could be quite a witch when she wanted to be. She played similar characters in other television shows and films. The type of character that she would typically play went hand in hand with messy comedy. She found the idea hilarious herself. She played a character who a lot of people would have enjoyed seeing get covered in mess. It seemed to fit the character to perfection.

There was a storyline that was created where her character would attempt to try to set up Pam for a messing. Unfortunately for her, Jim and some of the others would catch on to her plan, causing it to backfire. She would end up being the one covered in mess. She was portrayed as being mean spirited and a bit conniving but not that bright. On the show, a lot of silly pranks would be played in the office for laughs. Michael enjoyed having a laugh and would do silly things all of the time so he would not be opposed to this sort of thing happening. In this case, Kelly was jealous of Pam because she was in a positive happy relationship. Kelly would typically be jealous of others for being happy. She wanted to get Pam messy and completely embarrass her in front of everyone. She attempted to set her up for this.

It was April’s Fool day and everyone was playing pranks on one another throughout the day. They were normal silly pranks that you would expect in an office. There was a scene where Kelly was alone talking to the camera. She said, “Lately, Pam has been walking around thinking she is all high and mighty. Since it is April Fools Day, I have planned something extra special for her that will bring her right back down to Earth. We’ll see how pretty she is covered in all of the leftover lunches and food that I found in the back of the fridge. I’m gonna get that bitch,” she joked in her normal bitchy way. She was shown humming and singing, spooning of rotten food from some of the containers that were in the fridge into the can. She stuck her tongue out and recoiled at the disgusting stench. “This is gonna go all over her. The guys won’t be liking her anymore.”

She had set up a trash can filled with the mess from the food that she had indeed found in the fridge, above Pam’s desk. She set it up so that when she reached underneath the desk, it would trigger the can to tip over, dumping the rubbish all over her. Unfortunately for her, Jim overheard her planning the trick. He waited until she had set everything up. He then approached the desk.

“Hey Kelly, how are you today?,” he asked. “Oh I am just great. I am having an amazing day actually,” she replied. “Oh really? That is great. What are you up to over here?,” he asked. “Oh nothing, just making sure everything is ok.” “Kelly, look, I think you dropped something,” he said quickly.

She did not think of what she was doing. She impulsively reached down. As she did, she triggered the mechanism that she herself had just set up. The trash can then tipped over.  She shrieked as the sloppy mess that she had loaded into the can began to fall all over her. Revolting coleslaw, pasta salad, old tuna casserole, remnants of old bologna and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, beetroot, pickled eggs, banana peels and other assorted rotted food fell all over her. It dumped down her dark hair and all over her face. It cascaded down her body. She threw her hands and up and screamed,”Jim.”
Michael came over having seen what happened. He was laughing. “That was a good one,” he said. “Hey, don’t blame me. I didn’t set that up there. Kelly do you know how it got there. Because it is over Pam’s desk. It looks like it was meant for her. How would the person know that you would be there at Pam’s desk Kelly?” “You, just, shut up,” she said pouting.

Pam then walked in. She looked at Kelly. “Oh my God, Kelly. What happened to you? What is that stuff all over you? And what, what’s that smell?” Kelly looked down and sniffed herself. “It’s tuna casserole,” she said softly and sheepishly. “Tuna casserole,” she said. Pam looked at the camera and tried not to laugh. Kelly was then shown again dripping in mess.

She was shown in the next scene talking to the camera. She was still partially covered in food. “Well, my little plan did not go the way that I had planned. Next time though I will get both of them.” Andy then leaned over through the door handing her a towel. “But, they didn’t do anything to you. You put the stuff there in the first place, but it just backfired.” She rolled her eyes. “Shut up Andy.”

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