If only my mom is here, I'll be sure to buy Filextra for her this Mother's Day. I got to be aware of how I look because of her. She taught me the proper grooming and to ensure I look my best when I'm out. She brought me to the derma when my pimples were acting out. She bought me my first lipgloss. She went and gave me money so I can buy mineral makeup at Beauty and Minerals stall at Chirst The King Bazaar...
But I'm really really sure that if she's with me now, she would immediately ask me to buy this for her and enough with me buying her inspirational books. lol. I miss her.. I miss her big time...
And yes, Ma. I'd be sure to drink lots of water and sleep early every night. I will try, I promise..
Filextra is available at all SM Beauty Department Stores and selected Watsons Store.
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