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Achieve Soft and Smoother Skin with HSP Intense Moisturizing Soap

Today’s review will be about HSP Natural Intensive Moisturizing Soapwhich I used last January to February for my body. Even though I have an oily skin, my body has a dry skin instead. Lotions and moisturizing soaps are a must for me to keep my skin hydrated and soft.
HSP Natural Intensive Moisturizing Soap is an all-natural, organic and anti-aging soap which soothes and nourishes the skin. It prevents and helps diminish stretch marks and softens dead skin spots. By the way, they’re FDA approved (even if you look up online).

*Key Ingredients: Goat Milk with Vitamin A

The soap is sealed in a plastic and the product description can be clearly read. The color of the soap as it made of goat’s milk, shea butter, aloe vera, cucumber and argan oil. These are known to be the best moisturizing agents to keep moisture and freshness locked on your pores.

The price is Php149 for 135g. They’re soap doesn’t dissolve easily so this would last for about 2 months even with everyday use.

How to Use: I use this as a daily soap for my body and leave it for 15-20 minutes.


-Made my skin very moisturized
-Mild on the skin
-Doesn’t dissolve easily
-No irritations


Verdict:Sorry for the lack of photo of the result since the effects are subjective rather. The soap made my skin smoother and hydrated after use. I love how it is moisturizing my skin and keeping it baby soft. I think every skin type can use this as a body soap and can also be used as a facial soap for dry skin. 

HSP Intense Moisturizing Soap: For more info, you may contact them here: 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/herbalsoap.com.ph
Website: http://www.herbalsoap.com.ph
IG: @ herbalsoap.com.ph
Lazada: https://www.lazada.com.ph/herbalsoapcomph/ 

Disclaimer: This product was sent to me by Herbal Soap Philippines. I'm not paid to make this review and the product was sent for me to try. My reviews are based on my own experience so keep in mind that while a product may work for me, it may or may not necessarily work for you. I do hope you find my review helpful since all my reviews are 100% honest.

How about you? Have you tried this one? Or any recommendations you like to share? Pls don't hesitate to leave your comments down below. Hope to hear from you. :) Thanks for reading :)

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